Julie Bérubé
BQC19 Coordinator
The duties and responsibilities of the BQC19 Coordinator, who reports directly to the BQC19 co-Directors, include:
Act as resource person for participating sites for all matters related to BQC19 (other than ethics);
Act as database manager and resource person for the data management team;
Provide coordination and operations management for participating sites.
David Bujold
BQC19 Data Management Team Lead
McGill University — C3G
The duties and responsibilities of the BQC19 Data Management Team lead include:
Plan the collection, organization and release of BQC19 various data types for BQC19 users;
Ensure of data availability on file transfer mechanisms;
Oversee the development and release of a Data Portal to ease BQC19 data navigation and filtering.
Marc Messier-Peet
BQC19 Coordinator, ethics
The duties and responsibilities of the BQC19 Coordinator, ethics, who reports directly to the BQC19 co-Directors include:
Write and submit the ethical documents and amendments to the CHUM Ethics Committee, promote the changes in ethics to the sites;
Liaise with sites not participating in the multi-center evaluation process;
Coordinate with McGill at the contract level with respect to ethics.
Solomia Yanishevsky
BQC19 Data Administrator
McGill University - C3G
The duties of the BQC19 Data Administrator include:
Provide Globus endpoint management for published data, including organizing data and providing access;
Ensure data processing and anonymization of various types of project data;
Prepare and update clinical data collected in REDCap.