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Jul 14, 2020
The BQC19 says Thank You
On July 14, 2020, the BQC19 held an event to thank all of its collaborators for their engagement in the process that led to the launch of...

Jul 1, 2020
Two biobanks to battle COVID-19
Article by Annie Labrecque, Québec Science "Face à la pandémie de COVID-19, deux biobanques ont rapidement été mises sur pied pour...

Jun 26, 2020
The "bio-banking" project to help researchers better understand the COVID-19
MUHC researchers are trying to understand severely-ill COVID-19 patients, and they’re turning to an innovative “bio-banking” initiative...

May 5, 2020
Scientists study the blood of hundreds of Montreal patients with COVID-19
Dr. Vincent Mooser speaks with CTV News about the BQC19.

Mar 27, 2020
FRQ to create a province-wide COVID-19 Biobank
"The Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) and Genome Québec today announced the launch of the Québec COVID-19 Biobank, a Province-wide...
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